Modular Shelving Systems            Small wine rack           Wooden small wine rack            Wine Cellars            Wine stands

Untitled Document
Industrial Shelves
Modular Shelves
Wine Stand
Metal Wine Racks
Wooden Wine Cellars
Wine Boxes
Over-the-counter Wine-racks
Wine Wagon
Quality Makes Difference


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Articles Ardinart

      As a business corporation we are motivated to innovate ourselves constantly and make sure that both we and those in our environment develop.  It is not like us to stay where we are. So, we had to move on in a direction that would give a general picture of what we do and lead us to corporate success. Therefore, we decided to cooperate with a team of high expertise and agreed to carry our business onwards under the trademark offered: "Ardinart".

      Ardinart is a trademark which is quite capable of representing our business and our products at both national and international level. Ardinart was created as a result of meticulous researches carried out by our team of experts, based on realistic data.  In these researches, all relevant details were examined, from determining how to use the trademark to analysing what effect this trademark would cause on the audience.

     Easy to pronounce and not difficult remember as a word, "Ardinart" implicates a feature emphasizing that  our firm has adopted an artistic point of view on the business. By combining the word "art" with "ardında (following)" it coins a new word which refers to a corporate image that supports art. The word "ard" which means ground or soil in Persian, seems to be highlighting our area of business.  After all, the raw material used to make shelves is a tree which grows in soil. Trees are transformed into graceful and practical shelves by our experts that take on an artistic view. This concept is again supported by the use of the image of an eye in our Ardinart logo, making a reference to visual arts and underlining the effects of brain power on working and playing a key role in making our trademark name sensible. 

With our trademark "Ardinart", we'll keep up our efforts in becoming more corporate and global.

Registered Trademark

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